How Old Is Lisette Morelos? Lisette Morelos Birthday
Lisette Morelos was born on May 21, 1978 and is 46 years old now.
Birthday: May 21, 1978
How Old - Age: 46
Lisette Morelos Death Fact Check
Lisette is alive and kicking and is currently 46 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Lisette Morelos's father, Gustavo Garcia, dead or alive?
Gustavo Garcia's information is not available now.
Is Lisette Morelos's mother, Maria Isabel Morelos, dead or alive?
Maria Isabel Morelos's information is not available now.
Lisette Morelos's brother :
- Rodrigo
Lisette Morelos - Biography
Lisette Morelos is a Mexican actress, singer and model. She started her career at a young age. She attended the Centro de Educación Artística. Her first Telenovela was at the age of 17 in Tu y Yo with Maribel Guardia and Joan Sebastian.