Lloyd Polite


Is Lloyd Polite Dead or Still Alive? Lloyd Polite Birthday and Age

Lloyd Polite

How Old Is Lloyd Polite? Lloyd Polite Birthday

Lloyd Polite was born on January 3, 1986 and is 38 years old now.

Birthday: January 3, 1986
How Old - Age: 38

Lloyd Polite Death Fact Check

Lloyd is alive and kicking and is currently 38 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Lloyd Polite's father, Lloyd Polite Sr, dead or alive?

Lloyd Polite Sr's information is not available now.

Is Lloyd Polite's mother, Robin Polite, dead or alive?

Robin Polite's information is not available now.

Lloyd Polite's sister :

  • Brandy Polite

Lloyd Polite's brother :

  • Chuckie D. Polite

Lloyd Polite - Biography

Lloyd Polite, Jr., simply known as Lloyd, is an American R&B recording artist from Atlanta, Georgia. Lloyd entered the music industry as a member of the preteen-boy band N-Toon. The group disbanded in 2001 and Lloyd embarked on a solo career in 2003. He subsequently signed a recording contract with The Inc. Records and Def Jam Recordings.
Lloyd's third album Lessons in Love, gave the singer his second top ten Billboard 200 album. Lloyd's career received an enormous boost in 2009–10 after being featured on the second single of Young Money's hit single "BedRock," gaining publicity from his presence on its guest list. Lloyd also released a 2009 EP entitled Like Me: The Young Goldie EP. On March 13, 2010, Lloyd signed to Interscope and Zone 4. His fourth album King of Hearts, was released July 5, 2011. The first single, "Lay It Down," became a top-ten hit on Billboard's Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs.

On September 3, 2010, Lloyd cut off his signature long hair and donated it to charity. On July 6, 2011, Lloyd revealed a new tattoo of "Guns & Roses" that was tattooed on the back of his head. On March 14, 2016 it was announced and revealed that Lloyd had earned his GED certificate.
In an August 2016 interview with Sway Calloway, Lloyd explains his hiatus through the lyrics of his song "Tru", expressing how he lost an unborn child to an abortion and that it "left a big hole", while also detailing other family issues. In September 2017, Lloyd's wishes of having a child came true when his girlfriend gave birth to their son River. The two welcomed their daughter in late 2018. He's dating with the Pregnant woman of Dehea Abraham, in 2018—19.