Lou Taylor Pucci


Is Lou Taylor Pucci Dead or Still Alive? Lou Taylor Pucci Birthday and Age

Lou Taylor Pucci

How Old Is Lou Taylor Pucci? Lou Taylor Pucci Birthday

Lou Taylor Pucci was born on July 27, 1985 and is 39 years old now.

Birthday: July 27, 1985
How Old - Age: 39

Lou Taylor Pucci Death Fact Check

Lou is alive and kicking and is currently 39 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Lou Taylor Pucci's father, Louis Pucci, dead or alive?

Louis Pucci's information is not available now.

Is Lou Taylor Pucci's mother, Linda, dead or alive?

Lou Taylor Pucci's mother, Linda, is still alive and kicking.

Lou Taylor Pucci's sister :

  • Penelope Ann

Lou Taylor Pucci's brothers :

Lou has 2 brothers:
  • Adam
  • Zak

Lou Taylor Pucci - Biography

Lou Taylor Pucci is an American actor who first appeared on film in Rebecca Miller's well-received Personal Velocity: Three Portraits in 2002. Pucci had his breakthrough leading role in the critically acclaimed Thumbsucker, for which he won a Special Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival. Pucci went on to star in a multitude of indie films, including The Chumscrubber, Fast Food Nation (2006), The Go-Getter (2007), Explicit Ills (2008), and Carriers (2009). Most recently, Pucci had starring roles in the 2013 Evil Dead remake, as well as The Story of Luke (2013) and Spring (2014).