Maria Franziska von Trapp Death
Maria passed away on February 18, 2014 at the age of 99 in Stowe, Vermont.
When did Maria Franziska von Trapp die?
February 18, 2014How old was Maria Franziska von Trapp when died?
99Where did Maria Franziska von Trapp die? What was the location of death?
Stowe, Vermont
Maria Franziska von Trapp Birthday and Date of Death
Maria Franziska von Trapp was born on September 28, 1914 and died on February 18, 2014. Maria was 99 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: September 28, 1914
Date of Death: February 18, 2014
Age at Death: 99
Is Maria Franziska von Trapp's father, Georg Johannes von Trapp, dead or alive?
Georg Johannes von Trapp's information is not available now.
Is Maria Franziska von Trapp's mother, Agathe Whitehead von Trapp, dead or alive?
Agathe Whitehead von Trapp's information is not available now.
Maria Franziska von Trapp's sisters :
Maria has 7 sisters:Maria Franziska von Trapp's sister, Agathe von Trapp, died on December 28, 2010 as he was 97 years old. His cause of death was congestive heart failure.
Maria Franziska von Trapp's sister, Hedwig von Trapp, died on September 14, 1972 as he was 55 years old. His cause of death was asthma attack.
- Johanna von Trapp
- Martina von Trapp
- Rosmarie von Trapp
- Eleonore von Trapp
Maria Franziska von Trapp's sister, Johannes von Trapp, is still alive and kicking at the age of 85.
Maria Franziska von Trapp's brothers :
Maria has 2 brothers:- Rupert von Trapp
Maria Franziska von Trapp's brother, Werner von Trapp, died on October 11, 2007 as he was 91 years old.
Maria Franziska von Trapp - Biography
Maria Agatha Franziska Gobertina von Trapp was the second-oldest daughter of Georg and Agatha von Trapp. She was a member of the Trapp Family Singers, whose lives inspired the musical and film The Sound of Music. She was portrayed as the character "Louisa". She died at age 99, and was the last surviving sibling portrayed in the film.