Marina Abramovic


Is Marina Abramovic Dead or Still Alive? Marina Abramovic Birthday and Age

Marina Abramovic

How Old Is Marina Abramovic? Marina Abramovic Birthday

Marina Abramovic was born on November 30, 1946 and is 78 years old now.

Birthday: November 30, 1946
How Old - Age: 78

Marina Abramovic Death Fact Check

Marina is alive and kicking and is currently 78 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Marina Abramovic's father, Vojo Abramovic, dead or alive?

Vojo Abramovic's information is not available now.

Is Marina Abramovic's mother, Danica Abramovic, dead or alive?

Danica Abramovic's information is not available now.

Marina Abramovic - Biography

Marina Abramovi? is a Serbian performance artist based in New York. Her work explores the relationship between performer and audience, the limits of the body, and the possibilities of the mind. Active for over three decades, Abramovi? has been described as the "grandmother of performance art." She pioneered a new notion of identity by bringing in the participation of observers, focusing on "confronting pain, blood, and physical limits of the body." She is represented by the Sean Kelly Gallery in New York.