Marta Kauffman


Is Marta Kauffman Dead or Still Alive? Marta Kauffman Birthday and Age

Marta Kauffman

How Old Is Marta Kauffman? Marta Kauffman Birthday

Marta Kauffman was born on September 21, 1956 and is 68 years old now.

Birthday: September 21, 1956
How Old - Age: 68

Marta Kauffman Death Fact Check

Marta is alive and kicking and is currently 68 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Marta Kauffman - Biography

Marta Fran Kauffman (born September 21, 1956) is an American writer and TV producer, best known as the co-creator of the popular sitcom Friends, alongside David Crane. Both Crane and Kauffman were also executive producer of the show, along with Kevin Bright. Crane and Kauffman have also produced Veronica's Closet, starring Kirstie Alley, and Jesse, starring Christina Applegate. From 2005–2006 she was an executive producer on Related. Both writers were the creators of the 1990 HBO series Dream On.