Martha Hyer


Is Martha Hyer Dead or Still Alive? Martha Hyer Birthday and Date of Death

Martha Hyer

Martha Hyer Death

Martha passed away on May 31, 2014 at the age of 89.

Martha Hyer death quick facts:
  • When did Martha Hyer die?

    May 31, 2014
  • How old was Martha Hyer when died?


Martha Hyer Birthday and Date of Death

Martha Hyer was born on August 10, 1924 and died on May 31, 2014. Martha was 89 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 10, 1924
Date of Death: May 31, 2014
Age at Death: 89

Is Martha Hyer's father, Julien C. Hyer, dead or alive?

Julien C. Hyer's information is not available now.

Is Martha Hyer's mother, Agnes Barnhart, dead or alive?

Agnes Barnhart's information is not available now.

Martha Hyer's sisters :

Martha has 2 sisters:
  • Agnes Hyer
  • Jeane Hyer

Martha Hyer - Biography

Martha Hyer was an American actress. She is best remembered for her role as Gwen French in Some Came Running, for which she was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. Her autobiography, Finding My Way: A Hollywood Memoir, was published in 1990.