Marzia Bisognin


Is Marzia Bisognin Dead or Still Alive? Marzia Bisognin Birthday and Age

Marzia Bisognin

How Old Is Marzia Bisognin? Marzia Bisognin Birthday

Marzia Bisognin was born on October 21, 1992 and is 31 years old now.

Birthday: October 21, 1992
How Old - Age: 31

Marzia Bisognin Death Fact Check

Marzia is alive and kicking and is currently 31 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Marzia Bisognin - Biography

Marzia Bisognin (born 21 October 1992), better known by her YouTube username CutiePieMarzia, is an Italian YouTube personality. Bisognin's videos on YouTube focus on the fashion, beauty, make-up, haul and DIY fields. As of 6 September 2015, her videos have earned over 426 million views, attracting over 5 million subscribers to her channel.
Bisognin registered her CutiePieMarzia YouTube channel on January 16, 2012. Bisognin's videos on YouTube focused on fashion, beauty, makeup, DIY, books, movies, vlogs, haul, and video gaming. Although Italian, Bisognin spoke English in her videos in order to increase her target audience. Bisognin was signed to Maker Studios' sub-network, The Platform. Bisognin's YouTube channel was one of the most popular in the beauty and makeup genre. In May 2014, The Wall Street Journal reported that it attracts over 16 million viewers each month.

Additionally, Bisognin's channel is the most subscribed Italian YouTube channel. The demographics of Bisognin's viewers have been reported to be females aged 13–24, who use Bisognin's videos as a reference. Bisognin refers to her fans as "Marzipans".
In 2014, Bisognin and Kjellberg were part of an online marketing campaign for the horror film, As Above, So Below. While Kjellberg's videos for the campaign involved gaming-related topics, Bisognin's videos centered around a travel vlog angle of the couple's trip to Paris. Similarly, ABC had Bisognin, among others, promote their new TV series, Selfie via a YouTube marketing campaign.