Matt Bomer


Is Matt Bomer Dead or Still Alive? Matt Bomer Birthday and Age

Matt Bomer

How Old Is Matt Bomer? Matt Bomer Birthday

Matt Bomer was born on October 11, 1977 and is 47 years old now.

Birthday: October 11, 1977
How Old - Age: 47

Matt Bomer Death Fact Check

Matthew is alive and kicking and is currently 47 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Matt Bomer's father, John Bomer, dead or alive?

John Bomer's information is not available now.

Is Matt Bomer's mother, Sissi Bomer, dead or alive?

Sissi Bomer's information is not available now.

Matt Bomer's sister :

  • Megan Bomer

Matt Bomer's brother :

  • Neill Bomer

Matt Bomer's pet, dead or alive?

  • Cats

Matt Bomer - Biography

Matthew Staton Bomer, known as Matt Bomer, is an American actor. He made his television debut with Guiding Light in 2001, and gained recognition with his recurring role in the NBC television series Chuck as Bryce Larkin. He played the lead role of a con-artist in the USA Network series White Collar from 2009 to 2014. Bomer won a Golden Globe Award and received a Primetime Emmy Award nomination for his supporting role as Felix Turner in the HBO television film The Normal Heart.