Max Kellerman


Is Max Kellerman Dead or Still Alive? Max Kellerman Birthday and Age

Max Kellerman

How Old Is Max Kellerman? Max Kellerman Birthday

Max Kellerman was born on August 6, 1973 and is 51 years old now.

Birthday: August 6, 1973
How Old - Age: 51

Max Kellerman Death Fact Check

Max is alive and kicking and is currently 51 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Max Kellerman - Biography

Max Kellerman (born August 6, 1973) is an American boxing commentator and sports talk radio host based in Los Angeles. He appears as a color commentator on HBO World Championship Boxing and HBO Boxing After Dark and as of January 3, 2011, is co-hosting an afternoon drive-time sports talk show with Marcellus Wiley on ESPNLA 710am radio at LA Live in Downtown Los Angeles. Ever since it was announced on June 24, 2013, Kellerman, Michelle Beadle and Wiley have been co-hosting the sports comedy talk show SportsNation on ESPN.