Max Thieriot


Is Max Thieriot Dead or Still Alive? Max Thieriot Birthday and Age

Max Thieriot

How Old Is Max Thieriot? Max Thieriot Birthday

Max Thieriot was born on October 14, 1988 and is 35 years old now.

Birthday: October 14, 1988
How Old - Age: 35

Max Thieriot Death Fact Check

Maximillian is alive and kicking and is currently 35 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Max Thieriot's father, George Cameron Thieriot, dead or alive?

George Cameron Thieriot's information is not available now.

Is Max Thieriot's mother, Bridgit Snyder Thieriot, dead or alive?

Bridgit Snyder Thieriot's information is not available now.

Max Thieriot's sister :

  • Frances Thieriot

Max Thieriot's brother :

  • Aidan Thieriot

Max Thieriot - Biography

Maximillion Drake "Max" Thieriot is an American actor who made his acting debut in the 2004 adventure comedy film Catch That Kid. He has since appeared in the action comedy The Pacifier, the mystery comedy Nancy Drew (2007), the sci-fi tale Jumper (2008), the supernatural horror My Soul to Take (2010), the erotic thriller Chloe (2010), the drama Disconnect (2012), the psychological horror-thriller House at the End of the Street (2012), and the action-thriller Point Break (2015).