Meredith Vieira


Is Meredith Vieira Dead or Still Alive? Meredith Vieira Birthday and Age

Meredith Vieira

How Old Is Meredith Vieira? Meredith Vieira Birthday

Meredith Vieira was born on December 30, 1953 and is 70 years old now.

Birthday: December 30, 1953
How Old - Age: 70

Meredith Vieira Death Fact Check

Meredith is alive and kicking and is currently 70 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Meredith Vieira's father, Edwin Vieira, dead or alive?

Edwin Vieira's information is not available now.

Is Meredith Vieira's mother, Mary Louisa Vieira, dead or alive?

Mary Louisa Vieira's information is not available now.

Meredith Vieira's brothers :

Meredith has 3 brothers:
  • Edwin Vieira
  • Steve Vieira
  • Jeff Vieira

Meredith Vieira - Biography

Meredith Vieira is an American journalist and talk show and game show host. She is known for serving as the original moderator of the ABC talk show The View, and for co-hosting the long-running NBC News morning news program Today (2006-11). She is also known for being the original host of the U.S. syndicated version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, for contributing to Dateline NBC, Rock Center with Brian Williams, and for presenting Lifetime Television's Intimate Portrait series.