Michael Cerveris


Is Michael Cerveris Dead or Still Alive? Michael Cerveris Birthday and Age

Michael Cerveris

How Old Is Michael Cerveris? Michael Cerveris Birthday

Michael Cerveris was born on November 6, 1960 and is 63 years old now.

Birthday: November 6, 1960
How Old - Age: 63

Michael Cerveris Death Fact Check

Michael is alive and kicking and is currently 63 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Michael Cerveris's father, Michael Cerveris, dead or alive?

Michael Cerveris's father, Michael Cerveris, is still alive and kicking at the age of 63. He is American and has had a career as an actor.

Is Michael Cerveris's mother, Marsha, dead or alive?

Marsha's information is not available now.

Michael Cerveris - Biography

Michael Cerveris is an American singer, guitarist and actor. He has performed in many stage musicals and plays, including several Stephen Sondheim musicals: Assassins, Sweeney Todd, Road Show, and Passion. In 2004, Cerveris won the Tony Award as Best Featured Actor in a Musical for Assassins as John Wilkes Booth. In 2015, he won his second Tony Award as Best Actor in a Musical for Fun Home as Bruce Bechdel.