Michael Madsen


Is Michael Madsen Dead or Still Alive? Michael Madsen Birthday and Age

Michael Madsen

How Old Is Michael Madsen? Michael Madsen Birthday

Michael Madsen was born on September 25, 1958 and is 66 years old now.

Birthday: September 25, 1958
How Old - Age: 66

Michael Madsen Death Fact Check

Michael is alive and kicking and is currently 66 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Michael Madsen's father, Calvin Madsen, dead or alive?

Calvin Madsen's information is not available now.

Is Michael Madsen's mother, Elaine, dead or alive?

Elaine's information is not available now.

Michael Madsen's sisters :

Michael has 2 sisters:
  • Michael Madsen's sister, Virginia Madsen, is still alive and kicking at the age of 63. She is American and has had a career as an actress.

  • Cheri Madsen

Michael Madsen's pets, dead or alive?

  • Buftea (Dog) [2005]
  • Marlon (Parrot)

Michael Madsen - Biography

Michael Søren Madsen is an American actor, poet and photographer. He appeared in over 150 films, including Reservoir Dogs, Thelma & Louise, Wyatt Earp, Free Willy, Donnie Brasco, Species, Kill Bill, Sin City, The Hateful Eight, his fourth collaboration with director Quentin Tarantino, and Powers. Madsen is also credited with voice work in several video games, including Grand Theft Auto III, True Crime: Streets of L.A., DRIV3R, Dishonored, The Walking Dead: Season Two and Call of Duty: Black Ops II.
In Quentin Tarantino's directorial debut film Reservoir Dogs, Madsen played Mr. Blonde, a villainous mobster. He did not get the role of Mr. Pink (which went to Steve Buscemi), which he wanted because it had more scenes with Harvey Keitel. For Pulp Fiction, Madsen declined the role of Vincent Vega, which went to John Travolta. Madsen starred in Mike Newell's gangster film Donnie Brasco (1997). He once said of these films: "Some of them I'm only in for 10 minutes, but they bought my name, and they bought my face to put on the DVD box with a gun. What people don't always understand is that I established a certain lifestyle for my family back in the days of Species and Mulholland Falls and The Getaway. I wasn't about to move my six kids into a trailer park. So when people offered me work, it wasn't always the best, but I had to buy groceries and I had to put gas in the car."

Madsen starred in the ensemble western film The Hateful Eight (2015). He was among a number of people rumored to have leaked the film's script, before it was released causing Tarantino to almost not make the film and eventually rewrite it. In 2016, he played a dramatized role of former Texas Ranger Phil Ryan in Real Detective on the Investigation Discovery network. In 2019, The Dirty Kind was released, a crime-drama from writer/director Vilan Trub featuring Michael Madsen as Executive Producer. The movie is loosely inspired by Anthony Weiner.
Madsen's first wife was Georganne LaPiere. He married Jeannine Bisignano from 1991 to 1995. They have two children, including their son Christian. In 1996, he married DeAnna Madsen. They have three children. He also has one daughter named Jessica.