Michelle Keegan


Is Michelle Keegan Dead or Still Alive? Michelle Keegan Birthday and Age

Michelle Keegan

How Old Is Michelle Keegan? Michelle Keegan Birthday

Michelle Keegan was born on June 3, 1987 and is 37 years old now.

Birthday: June 3, 1987
How Old - Age: 37

Michelle Keegan Death Fact Check

Michelle is alive and kicking and is currently 37 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Michelle Keegan's father, Michael Keegan, dead or alive?

Michael Keegan's information is not available now.

Is Michelle Keegan's mother, Jackie Keegan, dead or alive?

Michelle Keegan's mother, Jackie Keegan, is still alive and kicking.

Michelle Keegan's brother :

  • Andrew Michael

Michelle Keegan - Biography

Michelle Elizabeth Benson Keegan is an English actress. She portrayed Tina McIntyre in the ITV soap opera Coronation Street between 2008 and 2014. In 2015, Keegan played the role of Tracy in the BBC drama series Ordinary Lies. In 2016 she played Corporal Georgie Lane in BBC hit drama series Our Girl taking over the lead role from EastEnders actress Lacey Turner.