How Old Is Mike Norris? Mike Norris Birthday
Mike Norris was born on November 30, 1963 and is 61 years old now.
Birthday: November 30, 1963
How Old - Age: 61
Mike Norris Death Fact Check
Mike is alive and kicking and is currently 61 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Mike Norris's father, Chuck Norris, dead or alive?
Mike Norris's father, Chuck Norris, is still alive and kicking at the age of 84. He is American and has had a career as an actor, martial artist, producer, author.
Is Mike Norris's mother, Diane Holechek, dead or alive?
Mike Norris's mother, Diane Holechek, is still alive and kicking at the age of 83.
Mike Norris - Biography
Michael R. "Mike" Norris is an American actor who has acted in over two dozen films. He is the son of the more famous actor and martial arts champion Chuck Norris. He starred in the 1986 drama film Born American and the 1991 action film Delta Force 3: The Killing Game. He also directed and starred in the 2009 Christian film, Birdie & Bogey.