Mike Woicik


Is Mike Woicik Dead or Still Alive? Mike Woicik Birthday and Age

Mike Woicik

How Old Is Mike Woicik? Mike Woicik Birthday

Mike Woicik was born on September 26, 1956 and is 68 years old now.

Birthday: September 26, 1956
How Old - Age: 68

Mike Woicik Death Fact Check

Mike is alive and kicking and is currently 68 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Mike Woicik - Biography

Mike Woicik (born September 26, 1956) is an American football strength and conditioning coach for the Dallas Cowboys of the National Football League. He holds the record with Bill Belachk for Super Bowl rings won by a coach with six, winning three with the Cowboys and three with the New England Patriots. Woicik has also authored a book Total Conditioning for Football: The Syracuse Way (1985).