Miranda Richardson


Is Miranda Richardson Dead or Still Alive? Miranda Richardson Birthday and Age

Miranda Richardson

How Old Is Miranda Richardson? Miranda Richardson Birthday

Miranda Richardson was born on March 3, 1958 and is 66 years old now.

Birthday: March 3, 1958
How Old - Age: 66

Miranda Richardson Death Fact Check

Miranda is alive and kicking and is currently 66 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Miranda Richardson's father, William Alan Richardson, dead or alive?

William Alan Richardson's information is not available now.

Is Miranda Richardson's mother, Marian Georgina Richardson, dead or alive?

Marian Georgina Richardson's information is not available now.

Miranda Richardson's sister :

  • Lesley Richardson

Miranda Richardson - Biography

Miranda Jane Richardson is an English stage, film and television actress. She made her film debut playing Ruth Ellis in Dance with a Stranger in 1985, and went on to receive Academy Award nominations for Damage and Tom & Viv (1994). For Damage, she won the BAFTA Award for Best Supporting Actress. She has also won Golden Globe Awards for Enchanted April and the TV film Fatherland (1994).