How Old Is Mirtha Legrand? Mirtha Legrand Birthday
Mirtha Legrand was born on February 23, 1927 and is 97 years old now.
Birthday: February 23, 1927
How Old - Age: 97
Mirtha Legrand Death Fact Check
Mirtha is alive and kicking and is currently 97 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Mirtha Legrand's father, Jose Martinez, dead or alive?
Mirtha Legrand's father, Jose Martinez, died on October 1, 2014 as he was 72 years old.
Is Mirtha Legrand's mother, Rosa Suarez, dead or alive?
Rosa Suarez's information is not available now.
Mirtha Legrand's sister :
- Silivia Legrand
Mirtha Legrand's brother :
- Jose A. Martinez Suarez
Mirtha Legrand - Biography
Rosa Maria Juana Martinez Suarez, known by her stage name Mirtha Legrand, is an Argentine actress and television presenter who has worked in Argentina and Spain, twin sister of retired actress Silvia Legrand. With a 72-year career, Legrand is one of the most popular entertainment figures in Argentina.