Molly Ringwald


Is Molly Ringwald Dead or Still Alive? Molly Ringwald Birthday and Age

Molly Ringwald

How Old Is Molly Ringwald? Molly Ringwald Birthday

Molly Ringwald was born on February 18, 1968 and is 56 years old now.

Birthday: February 18, 1968
How Old - Age: 56

Molly Ringwald Death Fact Check

Molly is alive and kicking and is currently 56 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Molly Ringwald's father, Robert Ringwald, dead or alive?

Robert Ringwald's information is not available now.

Is Molly Ringwald's mother, Adele Ringwald, dead or alive?

Adele Ringwald's information is not available now.

Molly Ringwald's sister :

  • Molly Ringwald's sister, Beth Ringwald, is still alive and kicking at the age of 60.

Molly Ringwald's brother :

  • Kelly Ringwald

Molly Ringwald - Biography

Molly Kathleen Ringwald is an American actress, singer, dancer, and author. Her first major role was in The Facts of Life before making her motion picture debut in the independent film Tempest (1982) that earned her a Golden Globe nomination. After subsequently appearing in the successful John Hughes films Sixteen Candles (1984), The Breakfast Club (1985), and Pretty in Pink (1986), Ringwald became a teen icon. She later starred in The Pick-up Artist (1987), and For Keeps (1988). She starred in many films in the 1990s, most notably Something to Live for: The Alison Gertz Story (1992) and The Stand (1994). Ringwald is part of the "Brat Pack" and she was ranked number 1 on VH1's 100 Greatest Teen Stars. She has played Anne Juergens in the ABC Family show The Secret Life of the American Teenager and released her debut album Except Sometimes in early 2013.