Olivia Wilde


Is Olivia Wilde Dead or Still Alive? Olivia Wilde Birthday and Age

Olivia Wilde

How Old Is Olivia Wilde? Olivia Wilde Birthday

Olivia Wilde was born on March 10, 1984 and is 40 years old now.

Birthday: March 10, 1984
How Old - Age: 40

Olivia Wilde Death Fact Check

Olivia is alive and kicking and is currently 40 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Olivia Wilde's father, Andrew Cockburn, dead or alive?

Olivia Wilde's father, Andrew Cockburn, is still alive and kicking at the age of 78. He is British and has had a career as a writer.

Is Olivia Wilde's mother, Leslie Cockburn, dead or alive?

Leslie Cockburn's information is not available now.

Olivia Wilde's sister :

  • Chloe Cockburn

Olivia Wilde's brother :

  • Olivia Wilde's brother, Charlie, died on October 31, 1989.

Olivia Wilde's pets, dead or alive?

  • Paco (dog)
  • Lola (dog)

Olivia Wilde - Biography

Olivia Wilde is an American actress, model, producer, director, activist, and entrepreneur. She is well known for her role as Dr. Remy "Thirteen" Hadley on the award winning television series House and her roles in Tron: Legacy (2010), Cowboys & Aliens (2011), Her (2013), Drinking Buddies (2013), and Rush (2013). She starred in HBO's rock 'n' roll drama series Vinyl (2016).Personal life Wilde derived her stage name from Irish author Oscar Wilde. She changed her surname while in high school, to honor the writers in her family, many of whom used pen names. She considered herself a pescetarian in 2011, although she has also claimed to be both vegan and vegetarian at different times in her life. She was voted PETA's Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrity of 2010.Relationships On June 7, 2003, when she was 19 years old, Wilde married Tao Ruspoli, an Italian filmmaker and musician, whose family owns a famed palazzo in Italy, at a ceremony in Washington, v*rginia. They were married on a school bus with only a pair of witnesses. She later said the marriage occurred in an abandoned school bus because it was the only place where they could be completely alone, as the marriage was a secret at the time. On February 8, 2011, she and Ruspoli announced that they were separating. Wilde filed for divorce in Los Angeles County Superior Court on March 3, 2011, citing "irreconcilable differences". The divorce was finalized on September 29, 2011. Wilde did not seek spousal support, and the pair reached a private agreement on property division.Wilde began dating actor, comedian, and screenwriter Jason Sudeikis in November 2011. They were engaged in January 2013. They have two children, son Otis Alexander Sudeikis (born April 2014) and a daughter Daisy Josephine Sudeikis (born October 2016).Other activities Wilde is a board member of Artists for Peace and Justice, which provides education and health services in Haiti, and the ACLU of Southern California. Previously, Wilde was a supporter of the youth voter organization, 18 in '08. She serves on their advisory council and appeared in a public service announcement that debuted June 30, 2008. In 2008, Wilde campaigned with actors Justin Long and her then-current House castmate Kal Penn for the 2008 Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama. She introduced Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at a campaign event on June 30, 2015 in New York.She appeared in the MoveOn.org mock-PSA "supporting" the rights of the healthcare insurance industry.Wilde was commended by the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, a farmworkers' union, for supporting the Fair Foods campaign. In 2013, she appeared in a video clip for Gucci's "Chime for Change" campaign that aims to raise funds and awareness of women's issues in terms of education, health, and justice.Wilde is a celebrity influencer/activist for RYOT, a Los Angeles-based media company.Wilde starred in a PSA released on March 21, 2016 for World Down Syndrome Day where she stars alongside 19-year-old AnnaRose from New Jersey who has Down Syndrome.