Per Gessle


Is Per Gessle Dead or Still Alive? Per Gessle Birthday and Age

Per Gessle

How Old Is Per Gessle? Per Gessle Birthday

Per Gessle was born on January 12, 1959 and is 65 years old now.

Birthday: January 12, 1959
How Old - Age: 65

Per Gessle Death Fact Check

Per is alive and kicking and is currently 65 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Per Gessle's father, Kurt Hakan Gessle, dead or alive?

Kurt Hakan Gessle's information is not available now.

Is Per Gessle's mother, Elisabeth Hakan Gessle, dead or alive?

Elisabeth Hakan Gessle's information is not available now.

Per Gessle - Biography

Per Håkan Gessle is a Swedish pop singer-songwriter, guitarist, and harmonicist. He is the lead singer of the Swedish pop group Gyllene Tider and formed Roxette with Marie Fredriksson. With Fredriksson's illness in 2002, he went back to recording solo albums, reformed Gyllene Tider in 2004 and became a successful artist in his native Sweden, selling multi-platinum albums.
Gessle and Marie Fredriksson had been friends for a few years before they came together as Roxette in 1986. After the success of their first hit "Neverending Love", which was written by Gessle, they quickly recorded Pearls of Passion using material which was originally intended for Per's third solo album.

Roxette went on to achieve four U.S. #1's and two #2's, with their albums Look Sharp! and Joyride attaining platinum status in a number of countries. After Roxette's early nineties success, Per released a demo compilation album in 1992, På väg, 1982–86. After the release of Crash! Boom! Bang! and subsequent world tour, Roxette took a break.
He married his long-time girlfriend Åsa Nordin (born 1961) in 1993 at Västra Strö Church, Eslöv, Sweden. The wedding reception was held in nearby Trollenäs Castle. They have a son, Gabriel Titus, born on 5 August 1997.