Pete Kennedy


Is Pete Kennedy Dead or Still Alive? Pete Kennedy Birthday and Age

Pete Kennedy

How Old Is Pete Kennedy? Pete Kennedy Birthday

Pete Kennedy was born on January 3, 1960 and is 65 years old now.

Birthday: January 3, 1960
How Old - Age: 65

Pete Kennedy Death Fact Check

Peter is alive and kicking and is currently 65 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Pete Kennedy's father, William A. Kennedy, dead or alive?

William A. Kennedy's information is not available now.

Is Pete Kennedy's mother, Siobhan Browne, dead or alive?

Siobhan Browne's information is not available now.

Pete Kennedy's sisters :

Peter has 2 sisters:
  • Colleen Kennedy Bryan

Pete Kennedy's brothers :

Peter has 2 brothers:
  • Pete Kennedy's brother, Brian Kennedy, is still alive and kicking at the age of 58. He is Northern Irish and has had a career as a musician, songwriter, author.

Pete Kennedy's pets, dead or alive?

  • Roxie (cat) [2013 - ]
  • Molly (cat) [1998 - 2012]

Pete Kennedy - Biography

Pete Kennedy was born in Dublin, Ireland to William A. Kennedy and Siobhan Browne Kennedy on January 3, 1960. Pete's fascination with food and the culinary arts began at an early age, and, was working in restaurants by the time he was 14 years old.His culinary training has allowed him to live and cook in some of the finest establishment in the world from Dublin and Galway to London to Dubai to the Caribbean to New York City. He is also the author of "A Culinary Trip: Recipes from Around the World" and he writes for a variety of travel and food magazines on a regular basis.In his spare time, Pete enjoys tennis, travel, reading, and, chess.