How Old Is Professor Membrane? Professor Membrane Birthday
Professor Membrane was born on May 12, 1949 and is 75 years old now.
Birthday: May 12, 1949
How Old - Age: 75
Professor Membrane Death Fact Check
Professor Membrane is alive and kicking and is currently 75 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Professor Membrane - Biography
Professor Membrane is the father of Dib and Gaz, but he has very little time for his offspring, being one of the most famous and important people on Earth. The Professor, as he is often called, is rarely at home, so he supervises his kids in the form of a floating monitor, which often spews out pre-recorded reminders that are often out-of-date.Despite his parenting skills seeming Missing In Action, he loves his kids, making time once a year for dinner together and always remembering to activate the food monitor. However, Membrane is somewhat ashamed of his son's belief in the paranormal, refusing to call it a 'proper' science. However, he believes Dib's obsession is just a phase, or "temporary insanity", that Dib will grow out of, and allows his son to do as he pleases, to an extent. On occasion, Membrane is so preoccupied with work that he fails to recognize his own children (i.e. not recognizing Dib when he comes backstage in Battle-Dib)