Ray Charles Robinson Jr.


Is Ray Charles Robinson Jr. Dead or Still Alive? Ray Charles Robinson Jr. Birthday and Age

Ray Charles Robinson Jr.

How Old Is Ray Charles Robinson Jr.? Ray Charles Robinson Jr. Birthday

Ray Charles Robinson Jr. was born on May 25, 1955 and is 69 years old now.

Birthday: May 25, 1955
How Old - Age: 69

Ray Charles Robinson Jr. Death Fact Check

Ray is alive and kicking and is currently 69 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Ray Charles Robinson Jr.'s father, Ray Charles, dead or alive?

Ray Charles Robinson Jr.'s father, Ray Charles, died on June 10, 2004 as he was 73 years old. His cause of death was acute liver failure.

Is Ray Charles Robinson Jr.'s mother, Della Beatrice Howard, dead or alive?

Ray Charles Robinson Jr.'s mother, Della Beatrice Howard, is still alive and kicking.

Ray Charles Robinson Jr. - Biography

Ray Charles Robinson Jr. was born on May 25, 1955 in the USA. He is a producer and actor, known for Ray, Hotel California (2008) and Ray Charles Celebrates Gospel Christmas with the Voices of Jubilation (2003).
Ray Charles Robinson Jr is the eldest son of the legendary singer, songwriter, and musician Ray Charles and Della B. Robinson. He is an independent film producer who was coexecutive producer of Ray Charles: 50 Years of Music and coproducer of Ray, among many other projects.

He currently resides in Los Angeles with girlfriend Rhonda Bailey and spends as much time as possible with his daughters, Erin and Blair, and his granddaughter, Kennedy. Ray is also committed to helping those in need in his community, especially those struggling with addiction.