Rhys Wakefield


Is Rhys Wakefield Dead or Still Alive? Rhys Wakefield Birthday and Age

Rhys Wakefield

How Old Is Rhys Wakefield? Rhys Wakefield Birthday

Rhys Wakefield was born on November 20, 1988 and is 36 years old now.

Birthday: November 20, 1988
How Old - Age: 36

Rhys Wakefield Death Fact Check

Rhys is alive and kicking and is currently 36 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Rhys Wakefield's father, Chris Wakefield, dead or alive?

Chris Wakefield's information is not available now.

Is Rhys Wakefield's mother, Elizabeth Wakefield, dead or alive?

Elizabeth Wakefield's information is not available now.

Rhys Wakefield's brother :

  • Luke Wakefield

Rhys Wakefield's pet, dead or alive?

  • Border cross kelpie (Dog - Molly)

Rhys Wakefield - Biography

Rhys Wakefield is an Australian actor. He is best known as Thomas Mollison in the 2008 film The Black Balloon, as Lucas Holden on Home and Away, the Polite Leader in The Purge and Josh McGuire in James Cameron's 2011 thriller/Drama Sanctum