Richard Jordan


Is Richard Jordan Dead or Still Alive? Richard Jordan Birthday and Date of Death

Richard Jordan

Richard Jordan Death

Richard passed away on August 30, 1993 at the age of 56 in Los Angeles, California, USA. Richard's cause of death was brain tumor.

Richard Jordan death quick facts:
  • When did Richard Jordan die?

    August 30, 1993
  • How did Richard Jordan die? What was the cause of death?

    Brain tumor
  • How old was Richard Jordan when died?

  • Where did Richard Jordan die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, California, USA

Richard Jordan Birthday and Date of Death

Richard Jordan was born on July 19, 1937 and died on August 30, 1993. Richard was 56 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 19, 1937
Date of Death: August 30, 1993
Age at Death: 56

Is Richard Jordan's father, Robert Anson Jordan Sr, dead or alive?

Robert Anson Jordan Sr's information is not available now.

Is Richard Jordan's mother, Constance Hand, dead or alive?

Constance Hand's information is not available now.

Richard Jordan - Biography

Richard Jordan was an American stage, screen, and television actor. A long-time member of the New York Shakespeare Festival, he performed in many Off Broadway and Broadway plays. His films include Logan's Run, Les Misérables, Raise the Titanic, The Friends of Eddie Coyle, The Yakuza, Interiors, The Bunker, Dune, The Secret of My Success, The Hunt for Red October, Posse and Gettysburg.