Rob Ford


Is Rob Ford Dead or Still Alive? Rob Ford Birthday and Date of Death

Rob Ford

Rob Ford Death

Rob passed away on March 22, 2016 at the age of 46.

Rob Ford death quick facts:
  • When did Rob Ford die?

    March 22, 2016
  • How old was Rob Ford when died?


Rob Ford Birthday and Date of Death

Rob Ford was born on May 28, 1969 and died on March 22, 2016. Rob was 46 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 28, 1969
Date of Death: March 22, 2016
Age at Death: 46

Is Rob Ford's father, Douglas Bruce Ford, dead or alive?

Douglas Bruce Ford's information is not available now.

Is Rob Ford's mother, Ruth Diane, dead or alive?

Ruth Diane's information is not available now.

Rob Ford's sister :

  • Kathy Ford

Rob Ford's brothers :

Rob has 2 brothers:
  • Doug Ford Jr.
  • Randy Ford

Rob Ford - Biography

Robert Bruce "Rob" Ford is a Canadian politician and businessperson who is currently a Toronto City Councillor. He was Mayor of Toronto, Ontario, from 2010 to 2014. Prior to being mayor, Ford was a city councillor. He was first elected to City Council in the 2000 Toronto municipal election, and was re-elected to his council seat twice. At first discounted as a potential mayor, Ford was elected mayor in the 2010 mayoral election on a platform of reducing the "gravy train" of government expenses and taxes.