Ruth Etting Death
Ruth passed away on September 24, 1978 at the age of 81 in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
When did Ruth Etting die?
September 24, 1978How old was Ruth Etting when died?
81Where did Ruth Etting die? What was the location of death?
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Ruth Etting Birthday and Date of Death
Ruth Etting was born on November 23, 1896 and died on September 24, 1978. Ruth was 81 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: November 23, 1896
Date of Death: September 24, 1978
Age at Death: 81
Ruth Etting - Biography
Ruth Etting (November 23, 1897 – September 24, 1978) was an American singing star and actress of the 1920s and 1930s, who had over 60 hit recordings and worked in stage, radio, and film. She is known as "America's sweetheart of song". Her signature tunes were "Shine On, Harvest Moon", "Ten Cents a Dance" and "Love Me or Leave Me". Her other popular recordings included "Button Up Your Overcoat", "Mean to Me", "Exactly Like You" and "Shaking the Blues Away".