Sam Waterston


Is Sam Waterston Dead or Still Alive? Sam Waterston Birthday and Age

Sam Waterston

How Old Is Sam Waterston? Sam Waterston Birthday

Sam Waterston was born on November 15, 1940 and is 83 years old now.

Birthday: November 15, 1940
How Old - Age: 83

Sam Waterston Death Fact Check

Sam is alive and kicking and is currently 83 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Sam Waterston's father, Chychele Waterston, dead or alive?

Chychele Waterston's information is not available now.

Is Sam Waterston's mother, Alice Atkinson Tucker, dead or alive?

Alice Atkinson Tucker's information is not available now.

Sam Waterston - Biography

Samuel Atkinson "Sam" Waterston is an American actor, producer and director. Among other roles, he is noted for his portrayal of Sydney Schanberg in The Killing Fields, for which he received an Academy Award nomination, and his starring role as Jack McCoy on the long-running NBC television series Law & Order (1994-2010), which brought him Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild Awards. He has been nominated for multiple Golden Globe, Screen Actors Guild, BAFTA and Emmy awards, having starred in over eighty film and television productions during his fifty-year career. He has also starred in numerous stage productions. Allmovie has characterised Waterston as having "cultivated a loyal following with his quietly charismatic, unfailingly solid performances."
Waterston, the third of four siblings (Roberta, George, and Ellen), was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts. His mother, Alice Tucker (née Atkinson), a landscape painter, was of English ancestry, and a descendant of Mayflower passengers. His father, George Chychele Waterston, was an emigrant from Leith, Scotland, and a semanticist and language teacher.

Waterston and his first wife, Barbara Rutledge-Johns, divorced in 1975. They have one son, James, also an actor. Waterston married his second wife, former model Lynn Louisa Woodruff, in 1976. They have three children, daughters Katherine Waterston and Elisabeth Waterston, who are also actresses, and a son, Graham.