Saraya Jade Bevis


Is Saraya Jade Bevis Dead or Still Alive? Saraya Jade Bevis Birthday and Age

Saraya Jade Bevis

How Old Is Saraya Jade Bevis? Saraya Jade Bevis Birthday

Saraya Jade Bevis was born on August 17, 1991 and is 33 years old now.

Birthday: August 17, 1991
How Old - Age: 33

Saraya Jade Bevis Death Fact Check

Saraya is alive and kicking and is currently 33 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Saraya Jade Bevis's father, Patrick Frary, dead or alive?

Patrick Frary's information is not available now.

Is Saraya Jade Bevis's mother, Julia Hammer, dead or alive?

Julia Hammer's information is not available now.

Saraya Jade Bevis's brothers :

Saraya has 2 brothers:
  • Roy Bevis
  • Zak Frary

Saraya Jade Bevis - Biography

Saraya-Jade Bevis is an English professional wrestler. She is signed to WWE, where she performs under the ring name Paige. She was the inaugural NXT Women's Champion of WWE's developmental branch NXT before forfeiting it herself.At the age of 13, Bevis made her debut in 2005 in the World Association of Wrestling, a promotion run by her family, under the ring name Britani Knight. She went on to hold several championships on independent circuits within Europe. In 2011, she signed a contract with WWE and started wrestling within its developmental systems, eventually debuting on WWE's main roster in April 2014. is a two-time WWE Divas Champion, and became the youngest Divas Champion in history at the age of 21.She also acts as a judge for reality show Tough Enough (Season 6) and is a member of Total Divas, another women reality show. On 3 August, Paige was a guest on Stone Cold Steve Austin's Stone Cold Podcast.Bevis is part of a professional wrestling family. Her parents, Julia Hamer-Bevis and Ian Bevis, and her older brothers, Roy Bevis and Zak Frary, are professional wrestlers. The family runs the World Association of Wrestling (WAW) promotion in Norwich. Her mother owns and operates Bellatrix Female Warriors, a women's wrestling promotion also based in Norwich For a time, WWE Hall of Famer Jake "The Snake" Roberts lived with the family. Bevis cites Bull Nakano, Lita, Rikishi and Stone Cold Steve Austin as some of her favorite wrestlers.Bevis suffers from scoliosis. She was unaware that she had the condition until after signing with WWE, when a trainer noticed that her back didn't look right.On the WWE reality television show Total Divas, Paige acknowledged having previously "been with" another woman. Total Divas also featured Paige having a relationship with singer Bradley Walden.As of May 2015, she is in a relationship with A Day to Remember guitarist Kevin Skaff. Their relationship is also featured on Total Divas.