Steve Buscemi


Is Steve Buscemi Dead or Still Alive? Steve Buscemi Birthday and Age

Steve Buscemi

How Old Is Steve Buscemi? Steve Buscemi Birthday

Steve Buscemi was born on December 13, 1957 and is 67 years old now.

Birthday: December 13, 1957
How Old - Age: 67

Steve Buscemi Death Fact Check

Steven is alive and kicking and is currently 67 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Steve Buscemi's father, John Buscemi, dead or alive?

John Buscemi's information is not available now.

Is Steve Buscemi's mother, Dorothy, dead or alive?

Dorothy's information is not available now.

Steve Buscemi - Biography

Steven Vincent "Steve" Buscemi is an American actor and film director. Buscemi has starred and supported in successful Hollywood and indie films, including Parting Glances, New York Stories, Mystery Train, Reservoir Dogs, Desperado, Con Air, Armageddon, The Grey Zone, Ghost World, Big Fish, and The Sopranos. He is also known for his appearances in many films by the Coen brothers: Miller's Crossing, Barton Fink, The Hudsucker Proxy, Fargo, and The Big Lebowski. Buscemi provides the voice of Randall Boggs in the Monsters, Inc. franchise.
Buscemi was born in Brooklyn, New York, to John Buscemi, a sanitation worker and Korean War veteran, and Dorothy (née Wilson) Buscemi, a hostess at Howard Johnson's. Buscemi's father was of Italian descent; his ancestors were from the town of Menfi in Sicily. Buscemi's mother was of Irish, English, and Dutch ancestry. He has three brothers—Jon, Ken, and Michael. Michael is also an actor. Buscemi was raised Roman Catholic.

Buscemi married Jo Andres in 1987; they were married until her death in early January 2019. They had one son.
In April 2001, Buscemi was in Wilmington, North Carolina, shooting the film Domestic Disturbance. He was stabbed multiple times after intervening in a bar fight between Vince Vaughn, Scott Rosenberg, and two local men, and was released from hospital after treatment.