Susan Boyle


Is Susan Boyle Dead or Still Alive? Susan Boyle Birthday and Age

Susan Boyle

How Old Is Susan Boyle? Susan Boyle Birthday

Susan Boyle was born on April 1, 1961 and is 63 years old now.

Birthday: April 1, 1961
How Old - Age: 63

Susan Boyle Death Fact Check

Susan is alive and kicking and is currently 63 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Susan Boyle's father, Patrick Boyle, dead or alive?

Patrick Boyle's information is not available now.

Is Susan Boyle's mother, Margret Boyle, dead or alive?

Margret Boyle's information is not available now.

Susan Boyle's brother :

  • Gerry Boyle

Susan Boyle - Biography

Susan Magdalane Boyle is a Scottish singer who came to international attention when she appeared as a contestant on the TV programme Britain's Got Talent on 11 April 2009, singing "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Misérables. Her first album was released in November 2009 and debuted as the number one best-selling album on charts around the globe.
Boyle was raised in Blackburn, West Lothian. Her father, Patrick Boyle, was a miner and veteran of the Second World War who also worked as a singer at the Bishop's Blaize; her mother Bridget was a shorthand typist. Both her parents were born in Motherwell, Lanarkshire, but also have family links to County Donegal in Ireland. Born when her mother was 45 years old, Boyle was the youngest of four brothers and five sisters. She was raised thinking that she had been briefly deprived of oxygen during a difficult birth resulting in a learning disability. However, she was told in 2012–13 that she had been misdiagnosed and has Asperger syndrome with an IQ "above average". Boyle says she was bullied as a child.

In 2012, Boyle was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. She made her diagnosis public in a BBC interview in December 2013.
In November 2012, when asked if she had tried to find love through Internet dating, Boyle said she was too scared, saying: "Knowing my luck I'd go out on a date and you'd find my limbs scattered around various Blackburn dustbins!" In November 2014, it was reported that Boyle was dating her first boyfriend, who was "around the same age" as she was.