How Old Is Susan Ford? Susan Ford Birthday
Susan Ford was born on July 6, 1957 and is 67 years old now.
Birthday: July 6, 1957
How Old - Age: 67
Susan Ford Death Fact Check
Susan is alive and kicking and is currently 67 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Susan Ford's father, U.S. President Gerald Ford, dead or alive?
U.S. President Gerald Ford's information is not available now.
Is Susan Ford's mother, First Lady Betty Ford, dead or alive?
First Lady Betty Ford's information is not available now.
Susan Ford's brothers :
Susan has 3 brothers:Susan Ford's brother, Steven Ford, is still alive and kicking at the age of 68. He is American and has had a career as an actor.
- John Gardner Ford
- Michael Gerald Ford
Susan Ford - Biography
Susan Elizabeth Ford Bales is an American author, photojournalist, and former chair of the board of the Betty Ford Center for alcohol and drug abuse.