Sylvie Léonard


Is Sylvie Léonard Dead or Still Alive? Sylvie Léonard Birthday and Age

Sylvie Léonard

How Old Is Sylvie Léonard? Sylvie Léonard Birthday

Sylvie Léonard was born on July 17, 1955 and is 69 years old now.

Birthday: July 17, 1955
How Old - Age: 69

Sylvie Léonard Death Fact Check

Sylvie is alive and kicking and is currently 69 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Sylvie Léonard - Biography

Sylvie Léonard (born July 17, 1955) is a French-Canadian actress. She has acted in theater, film and television for over 40 years. Her most notable roles include Sylvie in Un gars, une fille, Mimi Jarry in Rue des Pignons and Annick Jacquemin in Terre Humaine.