How Old Is Tico Torres? Tico Torres Birthday
Tico Torres was born on October 7, 1953 and is 71 years old now.
Birthday: October 7, 1953
How Old - Age: 71
Tico Torres Death Fact Check
Hector is alive and kicking and is currently 71 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Tico Torres's father, Hector Torres, dead or alive?
Hector Torres's information is not available now.
Is Tico Torres's mother, Emma Torres, dead or alive?
Emma Torres's information is not available now.
Tico Torres's sister :
- Opi Torres
Tico Torres's brother :
- Andrew Torres
Tico Torres - Biography
Hector Juan Samuel "Tico" Torres is an American drummer and percussionist for the rock band Bon Jovi. He also has taken lead vocals on a song on the box set 100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can't Be Wrong, as well as backing vocals on a couple of the early Bon Jovi tracks, notably "Born to Be My Baby" and "Love for Sale".