Tim Rossovich


Is Tim Rossovich Dead or Still Alive? Tim Rossovich Birthday and Date of Death

Tim Rossovich

Tim Rossovich Death

Tim passed away on December 6, 2018 at the age of 72 in Grass Valley, California, USA.

Tim Rossovich death quick facts:
  • When did Tim Rossovich die?

    December 6, 2018
  • How old was Tim Rossovich when died?

  • Where did Tim Rossovich die? What was the location of death?

    Grass Valley, California, USA

Tim Rossovich Birthday and Date of Death

Tim Rossovich was born on March 14, 1946 and died on December 6, 2018. Tim was 72 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 14, 1946
Date of Death: December 6, 2018
Age at Death: 72

Tim Rossovich - Biography

Timothy John "Tim" Rossovich (born March 14, 1946) is a retired American football linebacker and a television and movie actor, active from 1977 to 1998. He is the brother of actor Rick Rossovich.
Rossovich was born in Palo Alto, California. He played college football at the University of Southern California, and was one of five USC Trojans players taken in the first round of the 1968 NFL Draft after his senior year. Rossovich played for the National Football League Philadelphia Eagles, San Diego Chargers, and Houston Oilers between 1968 and 1976. He played in the Pro Bowl in 1969. He also played for the Philadelphia Bell of the WFL in 1974–1975, until the league folded midway through the 1975 season.

In 1977, Rossovich appeared in the episode "The Shortest Yard" of the ABC situation comedy The San Pedro Beach Bums.