Tony Harnell


Is Tony Harnell Dead or Still Alive? Tony Harnell Birthday and Age

Tony Harnell

How Old Is Tony Harnell? Tony Harnell Birthday

Tony Harnell was born on September 18, 1962 and is 62 years old now.

Birthday: September 18, 1962
How Old - Age: 62

Tony Harnell Death Fact Check

Tony is alive and kicking and is currently 62 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Tony Harnell's father, Boyd Harnell, dead or alive?

Boyd Harnell's information is not available now.

Is Tony Harnell's mother, Constance Haldaman, dead or alive?

Constance Haldaman's information is not available now.

Tony Harnell - Biography

Antony "Tony" Harnell is an American power metal singer, best known for his work with the Norwegian hard rock band TNT. He is also known for his exceptionally wide vocal range, with his chest-voice alone spanning over 4 octaves. He is currently the frontman for heavy metal band Skid Row.