Twinkle Khanna


Is Twinkle Khanna Dead or Still Alive? Twinkle Khanna Birthday and Age

Twinkle Khanna

How Old Is Twinkle Khanna? Twinkle Khanna Birthday

Twinkle Khanna was born on December 29, 1974 and is 50 years old now.

Birthday: December 29, 1974
How Old - Age: 50

Twinkle Khanna Death Fact Check

Twinkle is alive and kicking and is currently 50 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Twinkle Khanna's father, Rajesh khanna, dead or alive?

Twinkle Khanna's father, Rajesh khanna, died on July 18, 2012 as he was 69 years old.

Is Twinkle Khanna's mother, Dimple kapadia, dead or alive?

Twinkle Khanna's mother, Dimple kapadia, is still alive and kicking at the age of 67. She is Indian and has had a career as an actress.

Twinkle Khanna's sister :

  • Twinkle Khanna's sister, Rinke Khanna, is still alive and kicking at the age of 47. She is Indian and has had a career as an actor.

Twinkle Khanna - Biography

Twinkle Khanna is an Indian interior designer, newspaper columnist, film producer, author, and former film actress. Her first book Mrs Funnybones sold over one hundred thousand copies, making her India's highest-selling female writer of 2015. She repeated the success with her second book, the legend of Lakshmi Prasad , which also went on to sell over a 100,000 copies by august 2017. She won the Crossword Book Award 2016 for Mrs Funnybones.
She won India Today Woman Writer of the year 2017, for Her second book, The Legend Of Lakshmi Prasad, published by Juggernaut Books, which has been at No. 2 on Amazon since its release, and has received rave reviews: "Twinkle Khanna's first collection of short fiction features sensitive, humorous and eminently readable stories" , says The Hindustan Times. "The Legend of Lakshmi Prasad, a collection of superbly crafted short stories by Twinkle Khanna, is as delightful as its author. Witty, elegantly crafted, with odd protagonists who don't understand the meaning of defeat, it is a triumph of the human spirit.". "Sprinkled with fine wit and represent great cultural commentary." (The Hindu).

Twinkle Khanna is the elder daughter of Dimple Kapadia and Rajesh Khanna, born on her father's 32nd birthday in 1973. Her sister Rinke Khanna is also an actress. Her aunt was Simple Kapadia. She met Akshay Kumar for the first time during a photo session for Filmfare magazine. They got married on 17 January 2001. Together they have a son, Aarav and a daughter, Nitara. Kumar often credits Khanna for his success.
In 2009, People magazine listed her as the fourth-best-dressed celebrity in India. In February 2014, she was operated on at the Breach Candy hospital for the removal of a kidney stone. She has maintained a Twitter account since November 2014.