Tyne Daly


Is Tyne Daly Dead or Still Alive? Tyne Daly Birthday and Age

Tyne Daly

How Old Is Tyne Daly? Tyne Daly Birthday

Tyne Daly was born on February 21, 1946 and is 78 years old now.

Birthday: February 21, 1946
How Old - Age: 78

Tyne Daly Death Fact Check

Tyne is alive and kicking and is currently 78 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Tyne Daly's father, James Daly, dead or alive?

Tyne Daly's father, James Daly, died on July 3, 1978 as he was 59 years old. His cause of death was heart failure.

Is Tyne Daly's mother, Mary Hope Newell, dead or alive?

Mary Hope Newell's information is not available now.

Tyne Daly's brother :

  • Timothy Daly

Tyne Daly - Biography

Ellen Tyne Daly is an American stage and screen actress. She has won six Emmy Awards for her television work and a Tony Award, and is a 2011 American Theatre Hall of Fame inductee.
Her other TV roles include Alice Henderson in Christy (1994–95), for which she won an Emmy in 1996 and Maxine Gray in Judging Amy (1999–2005), which won her a sixth Emmy in 2003. Her other Broadway credits include The Seagull (1992), her Tony-nominated role in Rabbit Hole (2006) and her Tony-nominated role in Mothers and Sons (2014). She played Maria Callas, both on Broadway and in London's West End, in the play Master Class (2011–12). She also plays Anne Marie Hoag in Marvel Studios' Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017).

Daly has been identified as a feminist icon in the media, particularly based on her television role in Cagney and Lacey. Her role as Lacey showed a woman detective at a time where the idea was still novel; the show was also novel in presenting Lacey primarily in a work environment, rather than always showing the character at home. She has also been outspoken about maintaining a natural appearance as she ages, and for the run of Judging Amy, Daly's hair was shown in its naturally gray state.
Tyne Daly was married to Georg Stanford Brown from 1966 to 1990. They have three daughters, including actress Kathryne Dora Brown.