Vladimir Nikolayev


Is Vladimir Nikolayev Dead or Still Alive? Vladimir Nikolayev Birthday and Age

Vladimir Nikolayev

How Old Is Vladimir Nikolayev? Vladimir Nikolayev Birthday

Vladimir Nikolayev was born on October 10, 1973 and is 51 years old now.

Birthday: October 10, 1973
How Old - Age: 51

Vladimir Nikolayev Death Fact Check

Vladimir is alive and kicking and is currently 51 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Vladimir Nikolayev - Biography

Vladimir Nikolayev (born 1973) is a Russian politician accused of membership in the Russian Mafia. He was a member of former Russian president Vladimir Putin's governing party United Russia; the mayor of Vladivostok; and the owner of seafood, meat, and timber-processing companies. Nikolayev reached his position as mayor when his opponent for the position "tripped" on a grenade left outside his office, killing him.