Will Estes


Is Will Estes Dead or Still Alive? Will Estes Birthday and Age

Will Estes

How Old Is Will Estes? Will Estes Birthday

Will Estes was born on October 21, 1978 and is 45 years old now.

Birthday: October 21, 1978
How Old - Age: 45

Will Estes Death Fact Check

Will is alive and kicking and is currently 45 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Will Estes's father, Bill Nipper, dead or alive?

Bill Nipper's information is not available now.

Is Will Estes's mother, Mary Lu, dead or alive?

Mary Lu's information is not available now.

Will Estes - Biography

Will Estes is an American actor known for his role as J.J. Pryor, on the NBC drama American Dreams. In 2010, he joined the cast of Tom Selleck's CBS police drama Blue Bloods. In the series, he plays Jameson "Jamie" Reagan, a New York Police Department officer and the younger son of the police commissioner, played by Selleck. The series is now entering its sixth season.