William Baldwin


Is William Baldwin Dead or Still Alive? William Baldwin Birthday and Age

William Baldwin

How Old Is William Baldwin? William Baldwin Birthday

William Baldwin was born on February 21, 1963 and is 61 years old now.

Birthday: February 21, 1963
How Old - Age: 61

William Baldwin Death Fact Check

William is alive and kicking and is currently 61 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is William Baldwin's father, Alexander Rae Baldwin Jr, dead or alive?

Alexander Rae Baldwin Jr's information is not available now.

Is William Baldwin's mother, Carol M. Baldwin, dead or alive?

Carol M. Baldwin's information is not available now.

William Baldwin's sisters :

William has 2 sisters:
  • William Baldwin's sister, Jane Sasso, is still alive and kicking at the age of 59.

  • Elizabeth Keuchler

William Baldwin's brothers :

William has 3 brothers:
  • William Baldwin's brother, Alec Baldwin, is still alive and kicking at the age of 66. He is American and has had a career as an actor.

  • William Baldwin's brother, Stephen Baldwin, is still alive and kicking at the age of 58. He is American and has had a career as an actor.

  • William Baldwin's brother, Daniel Baldwin, is still alive and kicking at the age of 64. He is American and has had a career as an actor.

William Baldwin - Biography

William Joseph Baldwin is an American actor, producer, and writer known for his starring roles in such films as Flatliners, Backdraft (1991), Sliver (1993), Fair Game (1995), Virus (1999), Double Bang (2001), as Johnny 13 in Danny Phantom (2004-2007), Art Heist (2004), The Squid and the Whale (2005), as himself in Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008), as Senator Patrick Darling in the drama series Dirty Sexy Money (2007-2009), Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths (2010), as William van der Woodsen on Gossip Girl until December 2012, and as Gordon Flint on Parenthood.