Willie Jeffries


Is Willie Jeffries Dead or Still Alive? Willie Jeffries Birthday and Age

Willie Jeffries

How Old Is Willie Jeffries? Willie Jeffries Birthday

Willie Jeffries was born on January 4, 1937 and is 88 years old now.

Birthday: January 4, 1937
How Old - Age: 88

Willie Jeffries Death Fact Check

Willie is alive and kicking and is currently 88 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Willie Jeffries - Biography

Willie E. Jeffries, (born January 4, 1937) is a former American football player and coach. He served as the head football coach at South Carolina State University for 19 seasons in two stints (1973–1978, 1989–2001), five seasons at Wichita State University (1979–1983), and five seasons at Howard University (1984–1988). Jeffries was the first African American head coach of a NCAA Division I-A football program at a predominantly white college when he coached Wichita State. He was elected to the College Football Hall of Fame in 2010.