How Old Is Yukari Ôshima? Yukari Ôshima Birthday
Yukari Ôshima was born on December 31, 1963 and is 60 years old now.
Birthday: December 31, 1963
How Old - Age: 60
Yukari Ôshima Death Fact Check
Yukari is alive and kicking and is currently 60 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Yukari Ôshima - Biography
Yukari Oshima (大島由加里 Oshima Yukari, born on July 31, 1967), Pinyin: Daidao Yóujiālǐ, born on July 31, 1967) is a Japanese actress and martial artist.
Oshima (also known in HongKong as Cynthia Luster) gained mostly fame and prominence in Hong Kong and became the pseudo female action counterpart of Jackie Chan in within the country, making her a household name in among many HongKong Chinese audiences while during at around that time. She is currently retired from acting.
Oshima now resides in Fukuoka, Japan, where she has promoted tourism in the city. She is commonly known to Western audiences as the actress in the Marlboro Lite commercials (in the late 1990s).