Death Records and Death Certificates in Vermont

Vermont Death Records

According to the United States Census Bureau, as of July 1, 2019, Vermont had an estimated population of 623,989. This included a natural increase of 3,178 (31,716 births minus 28,538 deaths) and a decrease due to net migration of 2,432 people out of the state. The racial composition of Vermont as of 2018 was 90.8% White (Non-Hispanic), 2.8% Asian, 2.2% Black, 0.2% American Indian, and 2.2% Hispanic (of any race).

This page is created to provide genealogists and researchers an ultimate guide to the state of Vermont death records. Use the links and the tips below for Vermont death records, certificates, online tools and databases. Additional information on how to obtain Vermont death certificates is available below.

How to Find a Death Record in Vermont

Vermont death records search

This webpage gives you access to all of the online databases containing Vermont death records, Vermont death certificates, Vermont death notices, Vermont death indexes, and other related Vermont genealogy records.

Vermont death records free

Below are some of the most comprehensive resource for death records in Vermont.

Vermont Death Index

Vermont death records database

Links to Vermont death and burial indexes and databases are as below:

Vermont social security death index

The Social Security Death Index contains information on millions of deceased individuals in Vermont with social security numbers whose deaths were reported to the Social Security Administration. Try the links below to search the index:

Public Death Record Vermont

In addition to the indexes and databases above, there are some other resources that gives to almost the same or might even more information about a deceased individual. Here are some to check out:

Vermont Death Certificates

How to get a death certificate in Vermont

Vital record registration in Vermont is recorded at the town level. The vital records are incomplete before mandatory registration began in 1857. However, it is not uncommon to find an entire family recorded as a family group before 1820. In some cases, although the event was recorded in a particular town, it may have actually occurred in another town or state where the family previously resided, and not all events for a family were recorded. Marriages and deaths in the pre 1857 period were less likely to be recorded. For births, marriages, and deaths within the last ten years, write:

Vermont Department of Health
Vital Records Unit
108 Cherry Street
P.O. Box 70
Burlington, VT 05402-0070

Vermont death certificates online

Use the links below to get death certificates and vital records in Vermont.

Vermont Death Notices

Check local newspapers and local online news websites which frequently publish notices. Use the link below for more information on Vermont news agencies.

Vermont counties for death record research

  • Addison County
  • Bennington County
  • Caledonia County
  • Chittenden County
  • Essex County
  • Franklin County
  • Grand Isle County
  • Lamoille County
  • Orange County
  • Orleans County
  • Rutland County
  • Washington County
  • Windham County
  • Windsor County