Charlotte of Valois Death
Charlotte passed away on September 18, 1524 at the age of 7.
When did Charlotte of Valois die?
September 18, 1524How old was Charlotte of Valois when died?
Charlotte of Valois Birthday and Date of Death
Charlotte of Valois was born on October 23, 1516 and died on September 18, 1524. Charlotte was 7 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: October 23, 1516
Date of Death: September 18, 1524
Age at Death: 7
Is Charlotte of Valois's father, Francis I of France, dead or alive?
Charlotte of Valois's father, Francis I of France, died on March 31, 1547 as he was 52 years old.
Is Charlotte of Valois's mother, Claude of France, dead or alive?
Charlotte of Valois's mother, Claude of France, died on July 20, 1524 as she was 24 years old.
Charlotte of Valois - Biography
Charlotte of Valois was a French princess, the second daughter of Francis I of France and Claude, Duchess of Brittany. At one point Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, was bound by the Treaty of Noyon to marry her. However, this obligation was later renounced. She was a sickly, delicate child and died from measles at not quite eight.