Chong You Fook Charles


Is Chong You Fook Charles Dead or Still Alive? Chong You Fook Charles Birthday and Age

Chong You Fook Charles

How Old Is Chong You Fook Charles? Chong You Fook Charles Birthday

Chong You Fook Charles was born on June 24, 1953 and is 71 years old now.

Birthday: June 24, 1953
How Old - Age: 71

Chong You Fook Charles Death Fact Check

Chong is alive and kicking and is currently 71 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Chong You Fook Charles - Biography

Charles Chong You Fook (simplified Chinese: 张有福; traditional Chinese: 張有福; pinyin: Zhāng Yǒufú, born 24 June 1953) is a Singaporean politician. A member of the country's governing People's Action Party (PAP), Chong is a Member of Parliament representing Punggol East Single Member Constituency (Punggol East SMC) and a Deputy Speaker of Parliament. He was previously Chairman of the National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC) Council, which governs the NPCC and National Civil Defence Cadet Corps.