Kim Swoo Geun Death
Kim passed away on June 14, 1986 at the age of 55 in Seoul, South Korea.
Kim Swoo Geun death quick facts:
When did Kim Swoo Geun die?
June 14, 1986How old was Kim Swoo Geun when died?
55Where did Kim Swoo Geun die? What was the location of death?
Seoul, South Korea
Kim Swoo Geun Birthday and Date of Death
Kim Swoo Geun was born on February 20, 1931 and died on June 14, 1986. Kim was 55 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: February 20, 1931
Date of Death: June 14, 1986
Age at Death: 55
Kim Swoo Geun - Biography
Kim Swoo Geun (February 20, 1931 – June 14, 1986) was a prominent South Korean architect, educator, publisher and patron of artists. Along with architect Kim Joong Up (김중업), he is recognised as a significant contributor in the history of Korean architecture. With his support for diverse art genres of Korean culture, he was referred to as Lorenzo de Medici of Seoul by TIME in 1977.