Kristina Donnelly


Is Kristina Donnelly Dead or Still Alive? Kristina Donnelly Birthday and Date of Death

Kristina Donnelly

Kristina Donnelly Death

Kristina Donnelly passed away on November 7, 1999 at the age of 11.

Kristina Donnelly death quick facts:
  • When did Kristina Donnelly die?

    November 7, 1999
  • How old was Kristina Donnelly when died?


Kristina Donnelly Birthday and Date of Death

Kristina Donnelly was born on December 9, 1987 and died on November 7, 1999. Kristina Donnelly was 11 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 9, 1987
Date of Death: November 7, 1999
Age at Death: 11

Kristina Donnelly - Biography

Kristína Peláková (born 20 August 1987), professionally known as Kristína, is a Slovak singer. Kristína started her career as a child singer, dancer and piano player in Svidník, Slovakia. Following the advice of her music teacher, she took singing as her major and attended the Conservatoire (Music School) in Košice. While studying, her favourite place in the town was the Jazz Club where she met Martin Kavulič. He became her producer and helped her to secure a contract with the record label H.o.M.E. Production. Her first single was "Som tvoja" (I Belong To You), featuring the rapper Opak, released in 2007. The first track, named "Vráť mi tie hviezdy" (Give The Stars Back To Me), became a hit in Slovakia in 2008. Her début album ....ešte váham (...Still Hesitating) was also released in this year. Kristína won the national selection to represent Slovakia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 with the song "Horehronie". She got the largest share of television votes and came second in the jury vote. Horehronie is a rural region in Slovakia. The lyrics tells the story of a heartbroken girl who finds solace in the nature, its woods and "black hills to make her grief disappear." The song was composed by Martin Kavulič. The song peaked at No.1 on the Slovak airplay chart and she became a very popular hit in Slovakia and for the eurovision fan. Kristína failed to qualify to the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 Final from Semifinal 1 on 25 May.